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ChomPics Guest Post- Nestor Montoya, "The Bite" Beat Reporter

Hmm... let’s see. So this is my first year at the University of Florida. I transferred over to The Swamp as a junior because I knew that it had one of the best programs for what I wanted to study.

Coming into the J-School as a junior was a bit overwhelming. Everyone seemed to have their hands full with every sort of opportunity possible. I definitely wanted in on it so I joined ChomPics’s Entertainment News Program, "The Bite."

First off, being part of ChomPics has been one of the highlights of my year at UF. The organization is full of so many talented and enthusiastic individuals throughout all the projects that it makes working truly a pleasure. I’m beyond impressed at the work that has been put out by "The Bite," "Pressed," as well as the different commercial teams.

As I mentioned before, I’m part of "The Bite" as a reporter for the “Local Gator” beat. Basically I feature all sorts of exciting events that happen in the Gainesville area. It’s actually really cool because in a way I’m giving myself an orientation of the city and all the great stuff it has to offer. I’ve gotten to cover stories such as Gainesville’s Haunted Corn Maze, Hoggetowne Medieval Faire, and even take a swing class at a nearby dance studio.

For anyone who has seen any of my stories you’d know that I’m 100% okay with REALLY getting into it and acting silly. There’s nothing I love more than telling stories especially when I can really make it as interactive as possible for anyone who watches. But before I take anymore credit, I really wouldn’t be able to do what I do without the complete “Team Local Gator.” Yes I may write the stories and interview people, but the creative genius behind all the cool camera shots and “GoPro-y” (Yes, I just made up this word) masterpieces is Christina Vallejo. Together we try to put out the best piece possible that can capture the story’s full essence.

Is being a part of "The Bite" time consuming? Yes. But is it rewarding? YOU BET! There’s a special place in my heart for "The Bite" not just because I’m a part of it, but because together we have all watched it grow. What started as a concept very early on in the year became a reality; something that I’m positive that we at ChomPics are all proud to be a part of.

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